Grant conditions

July 2022 edition

All grants are made subject to the following conditions:

  1. The monies may not be used for any purpose other than that specified in your application without our express consent in writing.
  2. Payment will be made by bank transfer to the applicant in the name under which it is shown on the Charity Commission website. Bank details must be provided in the applicant charity’s letterhead, accompanied by a voided paying-in slip – both documents should be emailed to
  3. If your application is successful, we will email our form of receipt to you. This must be returned to us by email to, signed by the appropriate officer of your charity. The form of receipt will contain an acknowledgement that the grant will only be used for the purposes specified in the application (unless we agree in writing to the contrary).  There is no objection to your sending your own form of receipt in addition to our own.
  4. Grant monies should be spent within one year of the date that payment is made to your charity – unless, again, we agree in writing that you may retain the funds.
  5. You will, if so requested, refund to The Saintbury Trust any part of the grant not utilised for the purpose for which it was approved.
  6. If The Saintbury Trust has reasonable grounds for suspecting that you have supplied false information in connection with your application that the Trust may require immediate repayment of the grant and the grant will be repaid immediately on such demand.
  7. You may, if you so wish, acknowledge the grant in your own publicity material or publications.
  8. If so requested, you will afford to the trustees of The Saintbury Trust or any of them or their representative a reasonable opportunity of visiting and inspecting any project for which a grant has been approved and/or paid.
  9. Applicants who are awarded a grant in excess of £5,000.00 must provide us with a report of how the money has been spent and the success of the project (with particular reference to how the public benefit requirement has been satisfied). Such reports should be submitted, preferably by e-mail, and preferably on a single page, within 15 months after the date that payment is made to your charity. Applicants who are awarded a grant of £5,000.00 or less are not expected to send us a report (though they may do so if they wish) unless we specifically request it.
  10. We may withhold payment, or require immediate repayment, of any grant awarded if your organisation becomes insolvent or goes into administration, receivership or liquidation.
  11. We reserve the right to impose additional conditions for particular grants.  These will be set out in the email advising you of your grant award.