Application form

Download application form

Word application form (34k)

To download a copy of the application form to your computer:

PC users:
Right click on the application form link. Select “Save target as”or “Save link as”.
Choose the location on your computer where you would like to save the file. Select “Save”.
Use Windows Explorer to get to the location where you saved the file.

Mac users:
Press the Control (Ctrl) key and click on the application form link.
When the option menu appears, choose “Download link to disk”, “Download linked file” or “Download linked file as”.
Choose the location on your computer where you would like to store the file. Your computer will start the download once you have selected a location.
Use Spotlight or Finder to look for the downloaded file.

Please use a different font so that the responses stand out.

Do not expand this form to more than 3 sides and do not use a smaller font. We prefer a larger font.
Please send your completed application form together with a short letter and your latest accounts (if not on the Charity Commission website) to

We are no longer accepting postal applications.